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  • Conference coming soon | ThirdmillSeminary

    You Will be My Witnesses! Studies in the Book of Acts You are invited to join us in San Antonio for “You Will Be My Witnesses!” This conference on the Book of Acts is offered by Thirdmill Seminary and First Presbyterian Church of San Antonio in partnership with the Zbinden Study Center on February 21-22, 2025. Dr. Gabriela Tijerina-Pike and Dr. Greg Perry will lead us into key aspects of true gospel witness that were strengthened despite the challenges experienced by the early church. On Friday evening, February 21, we will focus on how Pentecost establishes an important pattern for our Gospel Show-and-Tell, the proclamation and practices of Christian witness. On Saturday morning, February 22, we will focus on the intercultural character of Christian witness and explore both its opportunities and common obstacles. This conference will be translated into Spanish and offer breakout discussion groups in both languages on Saturday. Schedule - 21 Feb Friday evening, February 21 Session One: Dr Greg Perry on “Pentecost and the Proclamation of the Church’s Witness” Acts 2:14-41 Q&A with Drs. Perry and Tijerina-Pike Session Two: Dr. Gabriella Tijerina-Pike on “Pentecost and the Practices of the Church’s Witness” Acts 2:42-47 Q&A with Drs. Perry and Tijerina-Pike Schedule - 22 Feb Saturday morning, February 22 Session Three: Dr. Gabriella Tijerina-Pike on “An Ethiopian, A Centurion and Confused Christians: The Challenges and Celebrations of the Church’s Intercultural Witness” Acts 8:26-40 and 10:9-48 Language Breakout Groups English with Dr Perry Spanish with Dr. Tijerina-Pike Session Four: Dr. Greg Perry on “The Church’s Public Witness” Acts 17:16-34 Q&A with Drs Perry and Tijerina-Pike Para conocer la hora de inicio local For local start time, refer to In-Person at First Presbyterian Church Location: 404 N Alamo Street San Antonio, TX 78205 Church Website - Sitio de web de la iglesia Conference Registration First name Last name Email Do you plan to attend online or in person?* In Person / Presencial Online / Virtual Language Preferred for small group / Idioma Preferida para grupo de conversación* Submit Dr. Greg Perry Gregory R. Perry is the President of Thirdmill Seminary, an academic partner in the Thirdmill Global Network. He has served local churches in Atlanta and Arlington, has taught served as faculty of Covenant Seminary in St. Louis and Christ College in Sydney, Australia. Greg has re-read Scripture and local cultures together with congregational leaders in God’s mission. Dr. Greg Perry Gregory R. Perry es el presidente de Thirdmill Seminary, un socio académico de Thirdmill Global Network. Ha servido en iglesias locales en Atlanta y Arlington, ha enseñado como profesor del Seminario Covenant en St. Louis y en el Christ College en Sydney, Australia. Greg propone una relectura de las Escrituras de la mano con las culturas locales y los líderes congregacionales en la misión de Dios. Dr. Gabriela Tijerina-Pike Dr. Gabriela Tijerina-Pike earned her Ph.D. from the University of Aberdeen with an emphasis in Exegesis of the New Testament (Lukan Christology). She has served as President of Seminario Todas Las Naciones in Mexico and written commentaries for layman and children in Spanish. Dr. Tijerina-Pike is committed to equipping church leaders with Thirdmill Seminary and by serving as Director of Latino/a Ministries at Calvin Theological Seminary. Dr. Gabriela Tijerina-Pike La Dra. Gabriela Tijerina-Pike obtuvo su Ph.D. en Universidad de Aberdeen con énfasis en Exégesis del Nuevo Testamento (Cristología Lucana). Ha servido como Presidenta de Seminario Todas Las Naciones en México y ha escrito comentarios para laicos y niños en español. La Dra. Tijerina-Pike está comprometida en equipar a líderes eclesiásticos a través de Thirdmill Seminary y desempeña en el cargo de Directora de Ministerios Latinos/a en el Seminario Teológico Calvin.

  • News | ThirdmillSeminary

    News Find out news and updates about Thirdmill Seminary. If you would like further information, contact us at VIEW Annual Report 2023-24 Subscribe to Our Quarterly Newsletter Enter your email here Sign Up Thanks for submitting! Honor Roll Cuadro de Honor 2024-25 GPA 3.5+ Programa en español - Maestría Período 2 Edwin Benjumea Carlos Cabrera Felix Cahuao Felipe Gálvez Roger Huchin David Lugo Carlos Quiroz Luz María Ramírez Diego Rodriguez Fernando Rubio Hoyos Educación continua (para ex-alumnos) Nelson Rivera Term 1 English Program - M aster's Degree Amedee Bagirakandi Matthew Bolger Mike Cain Alex Foxx Joey Fryar Samuel Gan Nathaniel Gbah Clayton Kaila Pawan Kumar Thomas Lui Brian McKeon Xolani Ndlovu Francisco Newby Lan Nguyen Fabrice Niyonizigiye Nkosana Nyoni Joshua Phelps Mauricio Sanchez Dann Seifert Jelte van der Veer English Program - Graduate Certificate Robert Ayton John Freeman Continuing Education (for graduates) Léon Ngendangenzwa Accreditation Announcement 1 August 2023 VIEW Newsletter June 2024 VIEW

  • Statement of Faith | ThirdmillSeminary

    FAITH We believe that Scripture consists of the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament as originally inspired and given by the Holy Spirit. We believe that Scripture is infallible, inerrant, and to be received, read, believed and obeyed as the written Word of God. We believe Scripture reveals only one living and true God, who exists in the three persons of the Godhead: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. These three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory. We believe in the full deity and full humanity of Jesus Christ, in his virgin birth, his sinless life, his miracles, his substitutionary and atoning death, his bodily resurrection, his ascension to the right hand of God the Father, his present rule over and intercession for the Church, and his visible return in power and glory. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, whose work of regeneration is essential for salvation. By the Spirit's sanctifying power, which indwells all believers in Christ, we are enabled to live godly lives of worship and service. We believe in the bodily resurrection of every person for the final day of judgment before the Lord Jesus Christ — the lost unto eternal punishment and the saved unto eternal life.

  • Courses | ThirdmillSeminary

    Find the full schedule on our A cademic Calendar . All course descriptions are available in the Catalog Academic Year 2024-25 Students may apply to enroll any time during the year. Term 3 January 6 - March 2, 2025 The Book of Acts (BIB504) – 2 credit hours The Acts of the Apostles is the second volume in Luke’s two-volume account of the arrival of the reign of Israel’s God in Jesus, the Son of David, and its extension through Jesus’ witnesses to the ends of the earth. This study of Acts focuses on how Luke’s narrative shaped early Christian identity and mission in the wake of “the Way’s” rupture with the synagogue and its relationship to the rival claims of other gods and lords in the Mediterranean culture(s) of the first century. How, then, does the Book of Acts continue to shape the Church’s worship and witness to Christ and His Kingdom among the nations? Utilizing the lecture series, The Book of Acts, produced by Third Millennium Ministries and presented by Dr. Hans F. Bayer, this course employs graduate level readings, spiritual formation activities, faculty tutorials, and engagement with a local mentor to understand and apply the Book of Acts in the worship and witness of local congregations. What is Man? (THE510) – 3 credit hours This course is an introduction to theological anthropology - the doctrine of humanity. In every culture throughout history, people have asked fundamental questions of human identity and vocation: “Who are we? Why are we here? What went wrong? How can we heal and flourish?” The Bible tells us that human beings, both male and female, are God’s images, created to rule over and care for creation on God’s behalf. Though sin has defaced and deformed humankind, diminishing our identity and compromising our vocation, God sent Christ, his Son and True Image to restore us to our true selves and work. This course combines the lecture series, What is Man?, produced by Third Millennium Ministries and hosted by Dr. Gregory R. Perry, with graduate level readings, spiritual formation activities, faculty tutorials, and engagement with a local mentor to explore these fundamental questions of human identity and vocation. Nurture Practicum (MIS502) – 1 credit hour This practicum develops your ministry practices of spiritual care, taking into account the emotional dimension of ministry, which is often omitted in traditional discipleship programs. The gospel changes our whole being, including our emotions. This course uses graduate level readings, discussion forums, faculty tutorials, mentor meetings, and ministry activities to cultivate an emotionally healthy spirituality that is consistent with the teachings and practices of Jesus. This course is not intended to treat issues of pastoral care exhaustively, but aims at an understanding of how transformation occurs through the Spirit’s work in each of us through the means of grace. New Course: Christian Counseling (MIS504 ) - 3 credits / Elective Books written on Christian counseling generally describe “what” it is without showing us “how” to counsel. This course relies heavily on the book “Skills for Effective Counseling” written by Elisabeth A. Nesbit Sbanotto, Heather Davediuk Gingrich, and Fred C. Gingrich, who have decades of professional experience. They show us how they do it. Recognizing the limitations of training in counseling through the internet, we will learn and practice the "micro skills" necessary to effectively counsel people. Some of the topics that we will deal with are: the counselor as an instrument; how do I perceive the counselee and how do they perceive me?; how do I develop the ability to accurately interpret what the counselee communicates to me?; how can I manage emotions and develop deep empathy? All of these questions will be considered from a faith-based integration perspective. New Course: Vocational Discipleship: Following Christ in our Work - (MIS510) – 2 Credits / Elective The Law and the Prophets speak directly to Israel’s relationship to the land and other means of production; to the just valuation of theproducts of their labor; to fair wages for workers; and, to the dignified treatment of vulnerable members of society. Indeed, the scriptures of the Old and New Testament support Martin Luther’s claim that God does his work through the work of people to provide for humankind’s needs. However, the Bible also testifies to the effects of sin on people’s work, creating inequities; damaging relations; even causing injury and death. However, Christ’s work of redemption created a new way for humans to work and create as God originally intended. While pastors and other Christian leaders are not necessarily experts in the many aspects of human labor, they are called to train God’s people to work in faith, to do everything as unto the Lord. This course is designed to provide perspectives and practices for this work of vocational discipleship. Term 4 March 17 - May 11, 2025 Making Biblical Decisions (THE513) – 3 credit hrs Christian morality has always been challenged and rejected by unbelievers, but today even many believers have lost their moral footing. Moreover, believers who want to live ethically are frequently confused by the complexities of ethical decisions. Based on the lecture series, Making Biblical Decisions , produced by Third Millennium Ministries and presented by Dr. John M. Frame, this course incorporates graduate level readings, spiritual formation activities, faculty tutorials, and engagement with a local mentor to build on both parts of the Foundations of Interpretation series. We cultivate biblical wisdom by studying the Bible’s own system of covenantal ethics, and learning to apply its evaluative framework and practices to approach present challenges, temptations, and problems in ways that lead to biblical solutions. Heart of Paul’s Theology (BIB514) – 2 credit hrs Paul passionately proclaimed the good news of individual salvation in Jesus Christ, but this wasn’t the heart or scope of his gospel. According to Paul, salvation is not primarily about individuals being saved; rather, it is the triumph of God over evil and the reality of Christ’s kingdom taking root in communities of renewed image-bearers amidst all nations. This course unpacks Paul’s missional hermeneutic and missionary method. By studying Paul’s letters to the Galatian, Thessalonian, and Corinthian churches, you will gain a deeper understanding of the kingdom of God and rejoice in Christ’s plans for his people and his world. Based on the lecture series, The Heart of Paul’s Theology, produced by Third Millennium Ministries and presented by Dr. Reggie M. Kidd, this course employs graduate level readings, spiritual formation activities, faculty input and oversight with local mentor engagement to explore the message, missionary methods and church-forming mission of the Apostle Paul. New Course: Basic Greek and Exegesis (BIB525) – 3 Credits / Elective This course teaches the fundamentals of Greek morphology and grammar as well as the steps of New Testament exegesis. It explains how to use linguistic tools, including software programs. It includes Power Point presentations with pronunciation of Greek vocabulary and exercises in grammar. As students progress, they do their own exegesis of a New Testament passage and prepare a summary of their findings in preparation for preaching or teaching.   Term 5 May 26 - July 30, 2025 Your Kingdom Come: Eschatology (THE511) – 2 credit hours The topic of eschatology, or the end of history, has fascinated people for centuries. What does the Bible say about the goal of history? How have various branches of the global church described the Day of the Lord and the Millennium? In this course, students examine what the Scriptures teach about the last days, including a variety of challenging topics, such as the general resurrection, the final judgment, and the consummation of Christ’s messianic kingdom in the new heavens and new earth. Incorporating the lecture series, Your Kingdom Come: The Doctrine of Eschatology, produced by Third Millennium Ministries and hosted by Dr. Matt Friedman, this course requires graduate level readings, spiritual formation activities, faculty tutorials, and engagement with a local mentor to understand and apply eschatology to Christian missions and ethics . New Course: Evangelism And Church Planting (MIS509) – 2 Credits / Elective This course encourages and trains students to share the gospel and to plant new churches. It presents the principles, steps, anddifferent models for developing healthy churches and guides the students through the process of preparing their own plans for starting a new church. Capstone Project & Portfolio (MIS603) – 3 credit hours This cumulative assessment is designed in two parts: the Portfolio and the Project. The Portfolio requires you to revisit earlier assessments that were designed to demonstrate mastery of one of five program learning outcomes, each of which is tied to a key resource for sustainable ministry. The Project celebrates your learning by applying your findings to your current or future ministry in the form of a philosophy of ministry and strategic plan. The fifth resource for sustainable ministry is your own sense of your pastoral identity, ministry calling, spiritual gifts, personal wounds and weaknesses. Your Capstone Project appropriates the other four resources—Scripture, Theology, Discipleship Practices in the Church, and the cultural resources of your local context—through your own awareness of your pastoral identity, calling, gifts, and weaknesses. This depth of self-awareness only comes through consistent appropriation of the other resources in ongoing relation to a mentor, spiritual director, or other ministry colleague, who will encourage you, pray for you, and tell you the truth in love.

  • Unique Approach | ThirdmillSeminary

    What makes Thirdmill a Seminary Outside-the-Box? Our Unique Approach Thirdmill Seminary offers students a fully online theological education that is resourced by content experts in the Bible and Theology from all corners of the global church. While our faculty meet students only in the digital classroom, students also work with their pastors and mentors to apply what they are learning in their local ministry contexts. Thirdmill Seminary is on-the-job-training in ministry , not the study of abstract ideas for ministry. Thirdmill Seminary is a learning organization that studies how Christians from various parts of the global church understand and apply Scripture in their contexts. Thirdmill Seminary is a teacher's school . Because church leaders must be “apt to teach,” we have designed our curriculum to produce effective teachers of the Bible, who appropriate it faithfully in the worship and witness of the Church. Thirdmill Seminary is cost-effective, and affordably priced, partnering with donors, students and their churches to provide and sustain a quality theological education for all who are called and gifted to serve the church, without respect to their gender, ethnic heritage or economic status.

  • ACADEMICS | ThirdmillSeminary


  • History & Vision | ThirdmillSeminary

    Vision Spanning barriers of language, cost, and distance, Thirdmill Seminary is serving a global learning community of Christian leaders. Together, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we are re-reading and appropriating the biblical text in the Church’s mission to disciple the nations for the glory of Christ. Are you a leader serving Christ and His Church? The bridge in our logo has been built with you in mind. You'll find an affordable and accredited master's degree program in English and Spanish. Study Scripture Where You Serve. History 2015 Our parent company, Third Millennium Ministries, completed 26 courses of a multimedia curriculum in the Bible and Theology, the equivalent to a two-year Master's level program. 2018 Thirdmill Seminary was established as a subsidiary of Third Millennium Ministries in August to provide multilingual academic degree programs, initially in English and Spanish. Founding Board of Directors: Rev. J. Edward Norton, Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr., and Judge C. Ashley Royal. 2019 Inaugural courses for the Master of Arts in Christian Studies are taught in English and Spanish. 2021 Thirdmill Seminary held its first online and in-person hermeneutics conference in Miami, Florida simultaneously translated into Spanish. 2022 Rev. Will Savell and Dr. Mark Hill join the Board of Directors. 2023 Thirdmill Seminary programs in English and Spanish are accredited by DEAC, the Distance Education Accrediting Commission. First graduation is held with 10 students who earn a Graduate Certificate or Master of Arts in Christian Studies.

  • Privacy | ThirdmillSeminary

    Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy Students must maintain an overall grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 to maintain their good standing and eligibility for graduation. Should students fall below a 3.0 GPA, they must meet with their Academic Advisor to develop a plan of study that provides the student with the best possibility of achieving academic success, which may include recommending a reduced course load, taking a term off, or a leave of absence. The faculty will review the student’s academic performance and the circumstances of their learning. This may result in a change of the student’s status to “academic probation,” which must be remediated before a student can graduate. A student’s failure to restore their good standing by remaining on academic probation for two 8-week terms or more may result in their dismissal from their program by the faculty. Grade point average (GPA) is calculated by the total number of grade points earned on a 4.0 scale multiplied by the number of course credits to determine the total number of quality points.

  • Privacy | ThirdmillSeminary

    Confidentiality and Privacy According to the Federal Education Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA) students have the right to review their educational records. They have the right to request changes to those records if they can prove they are currently in error. Information about a student’s records will not be released to third parties without the expressed, written consent of the student (including transcripts and financial records). However, Thirdmill Seminary reserves the right to release such records to its contractors and government agencies as necessary to conduct the ordinary operations of Thirdmill Seminary, including tax reporting, compliance with federal and state laws and court orders, and financial complications or audits. We will request such third parties maintain the confidentiality of student records. Privacy Policy Protecting your privacy is important to us. We value the trust you have placed in us, and your continued confidence is important to us. We make safeguarding personal information gathered in electronic transactions a priority (i.e. IP addresses, cookies, etc.) We maintain security practices to keep all information safe and secure. We do not sell customer information. Security of Online Sessions Policy We are committed to protecting the confidentiality of your information and online transactions. Our Services use the industry standard for online security -- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption -- to secure your online sessions and any financial transactions. Information Collected If you submit a request for information via the “contact us,” online “chat” option, or “request more information” forms on our website, we may save your e–mail address as well as any other information you may provide. This information may be used to contact you in the future by mail, e-mail, or phone to convey information about Thirdmill Seminary that we consider beneficial to you. Thirdmill Seminary collects various types of information from our site’s visitors to help us better plan our website to meet your needs. Some of this information is collected automatically through cookies and other information is collected when you register for any of our online services. Your e–mail and other information you provide will not be sold, exchanged, or given to any other company for any reason whatsoever, without your consent, other than for the express purpose of delivering the service requested. Information Processing Thirdmill Seminary is based in the United States. Regardless of where you are located, you consent to the processing and transferring of information in and to the U.S. and other countries. The laws of the U.S. and other countries governing data collection and use may not be as comprehensive or protective as the laws of the country where you live. Data Rights and Choices You can unsubscribe from our communications by following the “opt-out” guidance within those communications. You are also able to “opt-out” from cookie-related processing by following the instructions on the Privacy page. Individuals in the European Economic Area, Canada, Costa Rica, and some other jurisdictions outside of the United States have certain legal rights to obtain confirmation of whether we hold personal data about them, to access personal data we hold about them (in some cases in portable form), and to obtain its correction, update, amendment, or deletion in appropriate circumstances. They may also object to our uses or disclosures of personal data, to request a restriction on its processing, or withdraw any consent. These requests will not affect our ability to continue processing data in lawful ways. If you inform us that you wish your data erased, or that you no longer wish for us to communicate with you for marketing purposes, or to otherwise restrict processing of your personal data, we may retain some basic information in order to avoid sending you unwanted materials in the future, and to keep a record of your request and our response.

  • Staff | ThirdmillSeminary

    Thirdmill Seminary Staff Link to Faculty Page Gregory R. Perry, Ph.D. President Email Jeff David, D.Min. Academic Dean, Spanish Program Email Bob Brumley, Ph.D. Academic Dean, English Program and Compliance Officer Email Rosalía Sanchez, M.S. Director of Instructional Design, Student Advisor, Registrar - Spanish Email Scott Simmons, M.Div. Director of Instructional Design - English Email Aylen Buzzelli Communications Manager Email Darlene Perry Administrator Email Digital Librarian, MLS Email

  • Library | ThirdmillSeminary

    Library Resources We provide these public links for educational purposes and do not thereby endorse all content. Need help? Students may submit a request to Theological Resources Click image Online Theological Journals Click image All Resources This is a complete list of all the resources available on this site. Thirdmill E-Books Click image Research and Learning Tools Click image More Coming Soon Click image

  • Forms & Formularios | ThirdmillSeminary

    FORMS Add/Drop Request – online Audit Request (change of status from Credit to Audit) – form in development Credit Transfer Request form - Excel Graduation Checklist - PDF and Word Handbook Acknowledgment form – PDF , Word and online Incomplete Request for Prof/Dean - form in development Leave of Absence Request form - online Non-disclosure request (request to withhold information) - PDF Prior Learning Request form and Portfolio – form in development Request for Accommodation (related to disability) – form in development Scholarship Application form - PDF and Word Transcript request – email (form in development) Withdrawal form – online

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